0% Instalment
Everyday Low Price
Points Rewards
0% Instalment
Everyday Low Price
Points Rewards
0% Instalment
Everyday Low Price
Points Rewards
Select the model of the item that you want to purchase. If there is an option for multiple models, select a single product and click on Add to Cart. If there is no option for multiple models, just select the quantity and click on Add to Cart. When you are ready to checkout, click on the cart and then checkout. You will then be directed to the payment page where you can opt to pay via various methods.
Yes, you can choose to add any items to your wish list and purchase them at a later date. However, do note that items added into your Favorites list is for your convenience to purchase them at a later time and are not for reservation purposes.
You may transfer to us via the following banks:
After payment has been made, please allow us to confirm on the shipping of goods. We will always endeavour to ship your items out as soon as possible.
Please be advised that some delay may be unavoidable if the goods are shipped in from overseas.
You can track your order online 24/7 by following these steps:
Sign in to your account and go to https://kitchen-arena.com.my/sales/order/history/
Then click on "View Order" to check the details of your order.